If you are a patient who suffers from Immunodeficiency Disorders, has a weakened immune system, or fears of the ongoing COVID-19 then Telehealth might be a safe option for you.
*All new patients will be seen in person at Southwest Pain Center by a licensed healthcare provider.
*All patients are required to provide a referral from their PCP or Specialist upon initial appointment at Southwest Pain Center. All referred patients must have a recent clinic visit from their referring provider.
1. Convenient access to an experienced and board-certified pain specialist.
2. Obtain a meaningful clinical evaluation of your imaging studies and treatment.
3. Obtain an evaluation/diagnosis and discuss cutting-edge treatment options.
4. Confirm this is your right provider without leaving your home. Once you know that Southwest Pain Center is the right place for you, you can schedule an in-person examination and procedure after your telehealth visit.
5. Concerned about coronavirus? A telehealth consultation is a great way to establish a relationship with a Provider while still “social distancing.”
*All patients are required to provide a referral from their PCP or Specialist upon initial appointment at Southwest Pain Center. All referred patients must have a recent clinic visit from their referring provider.
1. Fill out our New Patient Application (link). Our patient Care Coordinator will call you, and you can request a Telehealth Consultation.
2. We will work with you and your other providers to obtain your medical records and imaging studies, such as MRIs. Our medical staff can review your imaging studies during your Telehealth Visit and review the details that show what is causing your pain.