At Southwest Pain Center, our mission is to provide the best healthcare experience for all our patients. We are dedicated to delivering exceptional service and enhancing the quality of life.
We are deeply committed to providing patients with the best possible experience and outcomes. We understand how important it is for patients and their loved ones to feel safe and cared for, and we are truly honored that you trust us with your care. Your well-being is our top priority, and we are here for you every step of the way.
We offer the following advanced interventional pain management procedures:
Fluoroscopy guided Epidural Steroid Injection
Radio Frequency Treatment of Lumbar
Radio Frequency Treatment of Cervical Neck
RFA to Treat Neck and Back Pain
RFA is a well-established, drug-free pain management solution that is clinically proven to provide safe, effective relief from pain.
RFA is a simple, minimally invasive outpatient procedure. Your pain management specialist targets pain-causing nerves and uses thermal energy to interrupt the pain signals at their source. Local anesthesia and a mild sedative may reduce discomfort during the procedure.
The RFA procedure can target multiple pain areas in a single treatment. So if your pain occurs in several parts of your body, RFA can address them all simultaneously. It works well for pain in your:
RFA treatment tends to be well tolerated and has few associated complications. After the procedure, you may experience a few days of discomfort around the procedure site(s). Over the next few weeks, your pain should subside, allowing you to return to the activities you enjoyed before the onset of your pain.
Patients who respond well to RFA can expect pain relief lasting 6 to 18 months. The treated nerves will regenerate, and the procedure can be repeated if the pain returns. Talk to your doctor to see if pain relief with Boston Scientific Radiofrequency Ablation is proper for you. Your doctor can perform a simple in-office test to show if RFA may be a good option for you.